Scroll down for more info.
Mouse Output Hide Controls: 10m Grid 100m Grid 1km Grid 100km Grid Custom Grid Add Circles: Add Building Numbers:
Fly to: Fly to this location... (MGRS format.) this zoom level... (Higher number = closer zoom, from 1.00 to 19.00)

Grid Label Font Size:
10m Grid: (Use HTML color codes.) Weight: Opacity: Show labels.
100m Grid: (Use HTML color codes.) Weight: Opacity: Show labels.
1km Grid: (Use HTML color codes.) Weight: Opacity: Show labels.
100km Grid: (Use HTML color codes.) Weight: Opacity:
Custom Grid: (Use HTML color codes.) Grid spacing in meters: Weight: Opacity: Show labels.
Circle Settings: (Use HTML color codes.) Radius in meters: Border Weight: Border Opacity: Fill Opacity:
Building Numbers: (Use HTML color codes.) Next Building Number: Building Number Size: Building Number Opacity: Show Building Numbers.

Simple GRG

Welcome to Simple GRG. Following the demise of Hawg-View, this web page was created to fill a vital gap in military training work-flow: Creating GRGs on the web and pasting them into Power-Point because official software is too cumbersome and too inefficient too much of the time, especially when an unclassified, non-mensurated product is sufficient. All this site will do is allow you to create a "base layer" for your GRG, with grids, grid labels, range rings, and building numbers. After that, paste the screen-shot into Power Point, Publisher, or some other application and add additional symbology as desired.

No guarantee is made as to the accuracy of the imagery provided and grids calculated here, but experimentation has found them to be accurate to within a couple of meters in a wide range of CONUS locations. At least as good as Hawg-View was.

This system will be maintained as long as I care to maintain it, and beyond that I will continue to host it so long as I am able. It is also open-source. All of the code (poorly-written mess that it is) is visible in-line or is available in the referenced open-source packages.

Thanks for visiting. Remember your mission.